
I would want to be Frida Kahlo because i love the art she makes and Shes a very interesting person.


  1. the blending tool
  2. the brush tool
  3. putting the hardness low
  4. eyedrop tool
  5. and the history tool is you make a mistake

Ted Talk

The Ted Talk was about photos a guy was talking about all the photos on a stage. He talked about how the photos captivate a moment in time I really liked that. I really liked the ted talk because it explained how every picture isn’t just an image and how some of those pictures more. The man tries to relate to the audience by shoring his experiences. I liked how he showed different styles of photography.

External flash

1-When would you use external flash?

When your in a dark setting

2-Do you need to meter the light if you use flash?

yes, so there’s the right exposure

3-What does flash synchronization mean?


4-What does ETTL mean?

Evaluative through the lens

5-What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed?

6-Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser?

7– What is a slave?

8-What should you do if your image comes out too dark or too light?

fill flash

Fill flash is used to add balance to the picture. For example, if the background is brighter than the subject. You would use flash is it is.

Favorite Teacher

Mr. Perez is my favorite teacher because out of every math teacher I had he helped me the most with math. He really knows how to explain and slow things down if we don’t get it and he helped me improve in math a lot.



The back of Jurupa

The process of doing HDR was going out to the football field. I had to pick a good location to shoot the images. I choose the back of the school the clouds looked really nice there. I set up my tri pod and took 5 pictures with -2 -1 0 1 2 and then I went back to class. I got help to edit them. I merged all 5 photos together to get the perfect image. I then edited all of them and bought the saturation up high. Then turned it in.


Painting with Light

Digitally Exposed: Light Painting with Steel Wool

I think it was a achived by some guy spinning around a light. I think the light there stuff off of. This photograph reminds me of fireworks.

